Saturday, January 19, 2008


Eric Carlson said (January 8, 2008 7:42 AM)...

Well all if anyone still needs pictures give me your email and I will get out a few for you. I still have mine. Stays in the garage now with a wheel that needs to be fixed. If you can believe it, its the front wheel in where the rubber has gotten old, not the back ones. Other then that she is still in good shape and still works.

My father worked for Lakeside till they where bought in the mid 80s. I can't remember who bought them, but they were the Lakeside Toys on 78th Street in Bloomington, MN. The building is long gone turned into a Hotel.


Keith said...

I am very , very intrested in aquiring one of these for my 2 sons. Please e-mail me @ with any info. Thanks

Anonymous said...

ANd I am interested in just looking at it (thoroughly) before you sell it to Keith so his kids can enjoy what we all enjoyed!!
- Joe

buster69 said...

i had 1 & who knowswhere itwent to i've got a pic of it some where.if you have some to share it would be appreciated thank you.

Anonymous said...

If you still have the Cheetah, I would also like to take a look at it -especially the chain drive. If you have any pictures of it still, I'd love to see them! Thanks.

I'm at:

Anonymous said...

Just a heads up. I have a Cheetah up for sale on Ebay right now. Just search on Lakeside Cheetah.

Lobar said...

and of course he didn't give us much time to notice, nor do we look at this blog often...
I told the ebay seller that he goofed - it sold for 30, and had I known I would have bid 100 to start!!!
- Joe
Skaldern @ Yahoo . com